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Monterosso Calabria in Photos

10 Jan

Our good friend, Gail (pictured above in front of her home, Casa Serena), was the original American in Monterosso. It was she who culled her friends and one by one made them Monterossoni. In an effort to promote Monterosso, Gail a few years back set up a Web site called A House in Italy. It’s a great little site with information about M. — its history, its landscape, its people; how to get there, what to do, where to stay.




As an accompaniment to her site, Gail labored in compiling a wonderful Picasa photo album of M. and the surrounding area. We leave you with a few images from Gail’s album, and encourage you to peruse the full stock of photos for yourself. The pictures alone will make you fall in love, and perhaps you, too, will one day be Monterossini.

Ciao ciao!

Travellers Calabria

7 Jan

We have just ordered our copy of the new Travellers Calabria after learning about it from Palazzo Pizzo. Exciting! Can’t wait for it to arrive. We are way late on this, as the book was released last summer, but it’s news to us. A few other Calabrians have their copies in hand; check out what Palazzo Pizzo and Bleeding Espresso have to say about the book. Pizzo, coincidentally, is a beach town just down the hill from our own Monterosso. We can’t wait to become friends with them (hint hint)!

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